
Director – Minister Dwayne B. Hooper Sr.
Co-Director – Minister Philip Mazza

Sub ministries:
Men's fellowship breakfast
Men's Fellowship Singers
Men's Sports ministries
Men's fellowship retreats
Men's mentoring

If you are a MAN of God and I am a MAN of God, it is undeniable that we are MEN IN CHRIST.

We believe that Christian men should realize the importance of having other Christian men support, encourage, and hold one another accountable to a Christian model of manhood, and that is what we strive to through do our various Men's Fellowship Ministries activities and Bible studies.

Being a part of the men's breakfast, retreat, the men's bible study, and the small groups will help you experience the true fellowship in Christ.

Looking for ways to improve your relationship with God?

Come join us as we discover how to develop vital relationships with other Christian Men.

Not only do we study God’s word, support, encourage, hold each other accountable and help each other to grow, we also have a fantastic time with our fellowship activities.  We golf, play basketball, football, volleyball, bowl, and paintball, just to name a few.  

"How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!" (Psalm 133:1)