The Women’s Fellowship provides opportunities for women to grow in their spiritual relationship and knowledge of God, to be strengthened as daughters of God, and to achieve a better understanding of their roles in church, family and community.
The Women’s Fellowship gathers monthly for a Saturday breakfast from September through June on the fourth Saturday of the month. We fellowship and hear a spirit-filled message from a member of our church or an outside Christian speaker. We gather for activities throughout the year such multiple-week group studies, teas, movies, luncheons, retreats, and community outreach.
This ministry promotes fellowshipping around the Word of God to equip women with spiritual-moral and values. We encourage women to deepen their relationship with Christ. The ministry values mentoring women and being mentored by women. We provide a sisterhood that exemplifies the fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness. We pray for and unite with one another in times of peace and in times of sorrow. This ministry encourages women to utilize their spiritual gifts to serve the church and community.
WHEN: September 19 to 21, 2025
WHERE: Sandy Cove Christian Retreat Center
Annually, we kick off our new season by getting away to be refreshed, create lasting relationships, enjoy the quiet beauty of the Chesapeake Bay, and soak in God’s Word. A $75 deposit is due by March 30. Before selecting your room size be sure that you have selected your roommate(s)! Registration envelopes and the “Roommate Finder” sign-up sheet, to assist in finding other women seeking roommates, are on the Women’s Fellowship table in the Chapel corridor.
CLICKING HERE to make your $75 one-time deposit
(If paying toward your room online, be sure to have your roommate(s) name(s), it is required).
CLICK HERE to make a payment toward your room selection.